Hawkes Architecture

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Richard Hawkes and family. Founder of Hawkes Architecture, who specialise in the design of Para 80, energy efficient, passive houses.

Director, Architect BA (Hons) RIBA, ARB

Richard Hawkes

About Me

Family, Cycling, Skiing

Richard established Hawkes Architecture in 2008 following 13 years of commercial practice and after first appearing on Grand Designs in 2009, building the iconic arch roofed Crossway Passive House. This springboard immediately established the practice as leading lights in the design of Inspirational Sustainable Homes.

Since then, Hawkes Architecture has continued to grow in response to the ever increasing demand for homes of exceptional quality which set the highest bar in energy efficiency and are uniquely tailored to their individual locations, settings and occupants.

Richard enjoys sharing his passion for all issues relating to sustainability, energy and environmental design and is a frequent guest speaker & visiting lecturer, an aspect of his work he wishes to develop further to share this accumulated knowledge and challenge the status quo.

Outside of work Richard’s passion is road cycling and he’s working his way through a bucket list of challenges having now completed Lands End to John O’Groats, the RAID Pyrenean, Ride 24 (a 320 mile 24 hour ride from Newcastle to London), Chase the Sun as well as working his way through the famous Alps climbs & riding silly distances. As a family they also love travelling & exploring new places, but on 4 wheels!