Replacement Dwelling
An inspirational, sustainable, energy efficient family home
Set within the West Ashling Conservation Area and South Downs National Park, this replacement dwelling cleverly engages with the context to preserve its discreet role in the hierarchy of buildings within the Conservation Area. The new replacement dwelling doubles the size of the dwelling it replaces but in ways that are not apparent from the public realm. Elevations concealed from public views, and thus imperceptible from within the Conservation Area, have sought to optimise passive solar gains, whilst providing stunning views across the 23 acre site.
The proposals were originally refused in May 2019 by the South Downs National Park Authority but the subsequent Appeal was allowed and permission granted by The Planning Inspectorate on 5th November 2020 ( APP/Y9507/W/19/3241321 )
The form and materials palette are restrained, predominantly brick & tile on the aspects facing the public realm.

The Appeal
The principle issues upon which the proposals were first refused related to new guidance on the effect of development upon the South Downs International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR) and the effect on the character and appearance of the West Ashling Conservation Area.
The Inspector presiding over the appeal, Mr M Bale, concluded that the proposals had only sought to preserve or enhance the character & appearance of the Conservation Area. Furthermore, through thoughtful attention to the articulation of the scheme, had embraced various light mitigation techniques included within the SNDP Dark Skies Technical Advice Note 2018 to ensure that the characteristic Dark Skies are well preserved while enabling the house to capture valuable south facing passive solar gains to minimise the building’s operational energy requirement for heating and to enable greater engagement with the landscape setting.