Hawkes Architecture

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Initial render of the arrival at Birdingbury, a Para 84 energy efficient passive house. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.
Initial render of the aerial view at Birdingbury, a Para 84 energy efficient passive house. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.

Paragraph 84 (Para 84)


This Paragraph 84 house within a rural Warwickshire landscape explores ASPECTSS Design Index – design guidelines addressing built environments for individuals with autism.

Aspectss* | The Design Index

The Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index is the first set of evidence based design guidelines worldwide to address built environments for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It was developed over a decade of research and is comprised of seven criteria proposed to be facilitative for ASD design. It is used as both an assessment and design development tool.

The Autism ASPECTSS Design Index, published in 2013, is a research-based framework of 7 design concepts facilitative of architectures for autism.

These 7 concepts are:

Spatial Sequencing
Sensory zoning and


Ground Floor

Initial floor plan at Birdingbury, a Para 84 energy efficient passive house. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.