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New Build Up For Approval

Our Foxbury Lane (Para 80) project near Chichester has been put forward to the planning committee for recommended approval. It joins our SAP Centurions club with an EPC score of A – 101 which equals the highest ever score of any building to have been long or shortlisted for a House of the Year, RIBA National or Manser Medal where the average rating is disappointing C – 78.

By comparison, our average EPC score is A – 103 across 17 buildings to date. Let’s hope the committee follow the officer’s recommendation and the Design Review Panel endorsement. We’ll keep you posted!

Project Details

Foxbury Lane a Paragraph 84 exceptional house inspired by flint. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.

Our Foxbury Lane (Para 80) project near Chichester has been put forward to the planning committee for recommended approval. It joins our SAP Centurions club with an EPC score of A – 101 which equals the highest ever score of any building to have been long or shortlisted for a House of the Year, RIBA National or Manser Medal where the average rating is disappointing C – 78.

By comparison, our average EPC score is A – 103 across 17 buildings to date. Let’s hope the committee follow the officer’s recommendation and the Design Review Panel endorsement. We’ll keep you posted!

Project Details

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