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Cotswold Quarry House

A paragraph 84 dwelling which forms part of a quarry restoration in the Cotswolds AONB, which is currently in for planning. The building occupies part of the quarried pit sitting no higher than the quarry ridge. The interior comprises of an entertaining room which addresses the 12 metre deep pit, enjoying views to the rock strata in the sheer quarry face beyond and the family gallery enjoys views to the peaceful enclosed courtyard.

Side elevation of Cotswolds Quarry House. A Para 84 energy efficient passive house. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.

A paragraph 84 dwelling which forms part of a quarry restoration in the Cotswolds AONB, which is currently in for planning. The building occupies part of the quarried pit sitting no higher than the quarry ridge. The interior comprises of an entertaining room which addresses the 12 metre deep pit, enjoying views to the rock strata in the sheer quarry face beyond and the family gallery enjoys views to the peaceful enclosed courtyard.

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