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Ashdown Forest Approved

Some great news! The Wealden District Council finally approved, with the signing of a s106 agreement, Hawkes Architecture’s 24th Paragraph 80 dwelling set in a 50 acre site within the High Weald AONB on the edge of the Ashdown Forest. 96% of the 50 acre site is located within the Ashdown Forest 400m exclusion zone.

The site is also a registered Park & Garden, forming part of a landscape designed by the renowned Humphrey Repton. Another great team effort with thanks to Hughes Planning and James Alexander Sinclair, among many others that have assisted along the way in making this possible.

Project Details

Ashdown Forest, a Para 80, energy efficient passive house. Another grand design by Hawkes Architecture.

Some great news! The Wealden District Council finally approved, with the signing of a s106 agreement, Hawkes Architecture’s 24th Paragraph 80 dwelling set in a 50 acre site within the High Weald AONB on the edge of the Ashdown Forest. 96% of the 50 acre site is located within the Ashdown Forest 400m exclusion zone.

The site is also a registered Park & Garden, forming part of a landscape designed by the renowned Humphrey Repton. Another great team effort with thanks to Hughes Planning and James Alexander Sinclair, among many others that have assisted along the way in making this possible.

Project Details

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